Hello, Public Knowledge world. This fall I am another in a long and distinguished line of interns here at Public Knowledge. When I am not at Public Knowledge, I am a second year law student at George Washington University. Second year at law school means that you finally get to choose your own classes, so I am excited to be studying Copyright and the Law of Cyberspace this semester. I am also one of those rare people in DC who actually grew up here, although I went to college out in LA.

I have always had an interest in computers and technology, and when I came to law school I realized that I could turn that interest into a career. I built my first MP3 server with a friend when I was in high school and have not looked back since. My most recent technical challenge has been getting Kubuntu to work on my laptop (so far so good).

I love the idea of helping people who have done the hard work of engineering a solution maneuver around legal barriers. As far as I am concerned the more technology available to consumers the better. Public Knowledge is a great place for me to learn how to enable interesting new technologies. I spent my summer working closely on web radio issues, so Public Knowledge should also give me the opportunity to build and expand on that base.

This fall I will be researching and posting on a number of issues like copyright reform and music licensing. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or scathing criticisms, please email me or leave a comment.